Sunday, April 6, 2014

What Do YOU Think?

There's been a question going around. This is the question:

How old should a kid be to carry his/her own medications?

Well, first of all it depends on how responsible the child is. In my opinion, a little kid shouldn't be allowed to carry a drug. I think this because it's not safe for someone not very experienced to carry around a shot. Plus, if an older kid loses a lot of things, it probably isn't the best idea to trust them with something so important.

Something else to consider is how many after-school activities the child has. If they have an activity, such as cross country, where they'll be moving around a lot, the child, coach, and his/her parents will need to discuss if carrying an Epi-pen is appropriate. I carry my medications in a fancy little belt that I can buckle around my waist while I'm running. There's a picture of that handy little bag below.

Another point is if any of the kid's allergens are around during an after-school activity, school, etc. If there will be and the kid is going to be with adults that don't know how to use an Epi-pen, it is essential that the kid carries the medicine!

One, actually two more things to think about. If the child wants to carry the Epi-pen around all the time or just some of the time is up to him/her. I carry mine around almost all the time. Lastly, HOW DO YOU CARRY A DRUG??!! Actually, there are lots of choices. You can carry it in your purse if you are a little older and actually carry a purse or bag. But what I use (as mentioned above) is a pink belt. I just think it's the easiest option.

So, my final answer is that it all depends on what's above. I hope this was helpful to you. Please leave a comment on what YOU think below!


Me running with
my pink belt mentioned above.
Perfect for carrying my medicine!                                                

1 comment:

  1. Kate
    I agree that this should be a highly personal decision within each family, but is it also mediated by regulations within school or other entity that sanctions an activity? Are you be allowed to 'carry' during your track club activities? Will that be different when it is the a school-sanctioned team? I am sure your parents will have a great deal of influence on regulations that impact you in these situations!

    You are breaking ground for all those that follow, and that is a tremendous service!
    Grandma Sandy
