Sunday, April 20, 2014

I Need Your Advice!

Okay, sorry about last week. I didn't post, and this week is kind of a weird post. It isn't something that's about food allergies, but it will be a big help in the future for my posts.

I would like your advice on what I should post about! Say you want to know about something that I haven't posted about. If you want to learn more about that topic, you can either leave it in the comment section below, or you can e-mail me (if you know my e-mail address). It would be more convenient if you told me your idea(s) through the computer because if you tell me in person, I will probably forget to write about it.

I can't wait to hear all of your great ideas!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

What Do YOU Think?

There's been a question going around. This is the question:

How old should a kid be to carry his/her own medications?

Well, first of all it depends on how responsible the child is. In my opinion, a little kid shouldn't be allowed to carry a drug. I think this because it's not safe for someone not very experienced to carry around a shot. Plus, if an older kid loses a lot of things, it probably isn't the best idea to trust them with something so important.

Something else to consider is how many after-school activities the child has. If they have an activity, such as cross country, where they'll be moving around a lot, the child, coach, and his/her parents will need to discuss if carrying an Epi-pen is appropriate. I carry my medications in a fancy little belt that I can buckle around my waist while I'm running. There's a picture of that handy little bag below.

Another point is if any of the kid's allergens are around during an after-school activity, school, etc. If there will be and the kid is going to be with adults that don't know how to use an Epi-pen, it is essential that the kid carries the medicine!

One, actually two more things to think about. If the child wants to carry the Epi-pen around all the time or just some of the time is up to him/her. I carry mine around almost all the time. Lastly, HOW DO YOU CARRY A DRUG??!! Actually, there are lots of choices. You can carry it in your purse if you are a little older and actually carry a purse or bag. But what I use (as mentioned above) is a pink belt. I just think it's the easiest option.

So, my final answer is that it all depends on what's above. I hope this was helpful to you. Please leave a comment on what YOU think below!


Me running with
my pink belt mentioned above.
Perfect for carrying my medicine!