Sunday, December 28, 2014

Holidays: How to Stay Safe

Hi there everyone! Today I'm going to talk about how I stay safe during the holiday season. But first, let me give you the answers to the food allergy questionnaire that I posted in my previous post. If you didn't take the survey and you would like to, please click the link below.

To get to the answers for the questionnaire, click the link below.

Alright, now onto today's post!

So in my house, we have a lot of traditions that involve food. Some of them are baking a variety of Christmas cookies, getting Chinese food, and eating fancy dinners together on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Here is how we enjoy these traditions without any trips to the emergency room.

Christmas Cookies
My mom, my sister and I all usually bake cookies together for Christmas. Some of our favorites would normally include milk in a house without food allergy people in it, but we substitute milk for soy milk or almond milk, butter for soy margarine, and chocolate chips for dairy and nut free chocolate chips. Sometimes, if we're making a cookie recipe that has a tree nut in it, such as cashews or pistachios, we'll use almonds in place of the non-safe nut (Almonds are tree nuts, yet they are the only kind of tree nut that I can have. Yay!) Another option is to just take the nut out of the recipe altogether! If the nut is optional, or if they aren't a huge part of the recipe, then we'll take them out.

Chinese Food
Whenever we get takeout Chinese food, my mom will make me something safe to eat from home. It's just the safest way to go.

Christmas Dinners
Thanks to my amazing mom, I am able to eat lots of different foods during the holiday. Last year, we had lasagna on Christmas Eve, and my mom made me my own special cheese-free lasagna. It tasted so great, and it is now one of my favorite foods.

Thanks to my family, I can enjoy this wonderful holiday season without much worry!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing says love like a dairy-free lasagna just for you! :D
